Process Project



My team received client requests in all forms: Excel spreadsheets, phone calls, scanned Word docs with handwritten notes, photographed handwritten notes, and unformatted (or overly styled) email messages. During peak production seasons, drudging through hundreds of these messy requests impeded our team’s efficiency. We also had to go back and forth with the client to get all information.



Redesigning a spreadsheet or Word doc wouldn’t suffice. A website was too much. I proposed an online form that would not only guide clients with conditional questions but also offer educational content. I took the opportunity to define commonly-used features and terms for both teammates and clients; many clients didn’t know our terms which lead to training rather than tasks.



The majority of clients were onboarded and we felt relief within weeks of rollout. As feedback came from clients and teammates, I revised and refined the content and flow. Incoming questions about terms and features were reduced. The form output was a PDF with consistent structure or our revised Excel spreadsheet template (for requests with a large number of line items).