I bring order to chaos. Every business needs a style guide to know themselves and establish trust with customers. Every business should have a knowledge base to connect with customers and make problem-solving easier.
2015 HTML GuideI was trained with a hardcopy HTML guide. This resource contained HTML to copy and basic designs. I noticed the code could be simplified and cleaned up with CSS. Frequent designs were missing that could be helpful. After testing some ideas, I presented clean code and new designs to the team. I was tasked with developing a style guide.
2016 Style Guide, 1st editionI wrote guides for HTML basics to help teammates with less experience. To improve communication with clients, I wanted to create a term/definition list. I researched our client and product language found in service tickets and marketing materials. I compiled reworked design examples. I created a chapter that described how to approach and execute a build efficiently with the big picture (district and website) in mind. After review between operations and client services, I distributed the 1st edition of the new style guide as a PDF.
2017 Style Handbook, 2nd editionAfter observing the positive impact the style guide had on client satisfaction, I collected department feedback. I drilled down the best practices for content design, reassessed interdepartment workflow, and discussed what does and doesn't work. The 2nd edition of the style guide, now called style handbook, was distributed as a PDF with clickable internal and external links.
2018 Audit and inventoryI researched style trends for data tables and text. I assessed all code samples and updated as needed. Obsolete or outdated samples were removed entirely – no hoarding here! I requested feedback from teammates and communicated all changes once finalized. All client websites were audited for relevancy and consistency.
2019 Online knowledge baseWhen our resources were moved to the online learning center, I audited all client- and internal-facing articles pertaining to my department. With approval, I autonomously updated and expanded the article inventory to include relevant and helpful content. Technical tasks were simplified and shortened into bite-size content. Management of the information is ongoing and constantly evolving.
2021 knowledge base, ongoingAs integrations and product extensions are added, articles are updated. Popular articles for basic features are revisited every 2-3 months. Where possible, ideas are simplified and shortened to encourage users to read rather than skip. Links to articles are included in user messaging in product and CRM to promote use.