Empty State



Problem: Use the dashboard’s empty space to inspire and increase engagement. During the pandemic, payment processing drastically declined. The dashboard summarizes store sales and links to resources but doesn’t create action.

Insight: Empathizing with users and showing support for families during hard times creates trust and loyalty.


Approach: Create copy to engage users with the product, while recognizing global struggle on a local level.

Solution: Use a gentle, encouraging tone to introduce an idea. Include convenient options to submit a ticket or speak with a team member.


Outcome: The marketing and design team approved the copy. The feedback from users as positive and we almost immediately saw increase in engagement. The experience helped me realize that if I see an opportunity to educate, improve, or address a user need, I shouldn’t hesitate to take initiative. If given more time, I would have liked to refine the language and add more empathy.

On a global, local, and personal level, we’ve been affected in some way by COVID-19. Schools worldwide have closed to keep our families safe.

Donations can provide relief to those negatively impacted by the pandemic.

To add a donation link for a relief fund, call 888-___-____ or submit a build request.